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Just place your mask into our SmartCovid Kit and snap it into place.

2 FREE Smart Covid kits (Reg. price $80)

2 unit per user

This item is limited to 1 unit per user or email address. If you want to order more than 1 you will need to pay separately for shipping and provide a new email address.

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Developed by a Team of Doctors and Engineers 


Dr. Marvin Slepian, head of MedTech’s medical division, has 30 years of experience in biomedical engineering, is a professor of medicine, has over 200 publications, 70 patents, 50 honors and awards, and serves on several corporate boards.



MedTech’s team of doctors and engineers came together to develop a global SmartCovid Kit solution in February 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. Our goal: To develop a smart kit for adults and kids over the age of 2, that transforms and improves existing masks. The White House Coronavirus Task Force recommended such a kit in January 2021, based on improving surgical, KN-95 and other masks lacking facial seals, while adding innovative ear frame comfort, breathability shaping, style and reusability.

MedTech KIDS/ADULT SmartCovid Kit with Dual 15-Cushion Seal, Breathability Shapers and UV: So Comfortable You’ll Forget You're Wearing a Mask

  1. 15 Air-Cushion Seals

  2. Airflow Unit

  3. Four Inner Shaping Clip Options

  4. Four Adjustable Positions

  5. Uses Any PPE Mask

  6. Outer Seal Clip

  7. Optional Loop Extensions

  8. Optional Front Barrier Extension

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Global Impact


The GIF  reflects how the SmartCovid Kit can impact mask pollution that encompasses over 1.5 trillion masks per year, plus 3 trillion ear loops, with the majority ending up in our oceans. Our patented conversion kit requires only half of a surgical mask. In addition, we offer a fabric material solution, providing underdeveloped countries a higher-quality protective mask at a very low cost, since fabric material is available in larger quantities. By utilizing reusable earloops and 50 percent less surgical mask material, the SmartCovid Kit can reduce earloop and mask pollution and cost.

Optimal Mask Meltblow Filter and Seal


The MedTech SmartCovid Kit parallels recommendations from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, published scientific studies and Harvard University mask studies, in order to improve current loose-fitting masks, emphasizing protection, comfort, reusability, style and scalability.


8583 Irvine Center Dr. Ste. 432

Irvine, California, 92618

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